The Excitement of Silly Season: Brussels & Kosovo
In some political circles it is said that it is especially during silly season - when the attention span under the combined pressures of sand, sea and sun is at its lowest - that a hyper state of alert is required: it is then when the dangers of irreversible, accomplished facts on the ground, are at their highest. So, despite the low ebb there are a few noteworthy news items circulating.
- SIOE 9/11 Update:
The mayor of Brussels has declined to give his blessings to the "Stop Islamization of Europe" demo planned for 9/11 on the grounds that "public safety cannot be guaranteed". I think this poses a serious problem. It lays bare to what extent the enlightened dictatorship in the European Union has progressed. Obviously, the prospects of security conditions for the rally getting any better by themselves in the foreseeable future, are negligible.
This means that the civil rights of a large chunk of citizens will have to be suspended indeterminately. This is clearly unacceptable. I do hope the SIOE organization will stay in touch with the Brussels authorities and press on to them that civil rights cannot be suspended forever. Perhaps the mayor can offer a counter proposition?Update: I just had the opportunity to read some of the comments on the SIOE site. Although no pleasure, it's an education! The combined forces of Radical Islam and the scions of the collective Counter-Enlightenment have already established entire Sharia enclaves. The question is: how many more? Why do free citizens use the term 'haram'? Think about it ...
Update on the update: The Petition in favour of the rally, addressed to the mayor of Brussels, can be signed here. I request anybody who's sympathetic to its cause to sign it - no matter how remote you are from Brussels (physically I'm some 3000 kilometers removed, but mentally the distance can only be measured in lightyears).
- Kosovo Update:
"The great powers are set to kick-start a new set of talks on Kosovo's future on Friday, though with dim prospects of a solution acceptable to both Serbs and Kosovo Albanians. The Contact Group of the United States, Russia, Germany, France, Great Britain and Italy is sending a trio of diplomats - American Frank Wisner, Russian Alexandar Botsan-Kharchenko and German Wolfgang Ischingert, representing the EU - to do the mediating." >>>"Serbia is ready to grant broad autonomy to Kosovo, but only if the province remains under Serbian sovereignty, the president of a parliamentary commission said Monday. Dusan Prorokovic, head of the commission for Kosovo and Metohija, made the statement ahead of a Contact Group meeting in Belgrade for preliminary consultations Thursday." >>>
"Kosovo warned on Wednesday of rising Albanian tension and eventual street protests, on the eve of fresh talks ... Senior ethnic Albanian political leader Veton Surroi said the patience of Kosovo's ninety percent Albanian majority was not "limitless," and protests "could not be excluded" if independence is delayed much longer." >>>
Yes indeed - this is when of some of the major unannounced moves are made, when people are not watching.
Hi dear,
- How many aliases have you got?
- It's 33 degrees in the shade.
- The cat has locked herself on to a downstairs balcony whose owners are out - holiday perhaps?!
- Chicken soup simmering out of extinction.
- These totalitarians in Brussels are proving my worst fears over the dictatorship: looks like it's official!
- Blogger 's spambot has locked me out two my other blogs!
- Help!
That's what is so irritating about the fanatic Islamists. They represent the reason why people may insist on actions like banning Korans when every criticism is met with death threats.
I recently re-watched a speech by the Somalian woman who has lived in Amsterdam for 14 years and worked with Theo van Gogh when he was murdered. She tells a very powerful story. Her book is "Infidel".
Thanks Karen,
Yes, I know. Her name is Ayaan Hirsi Ali. The Pomo Left in The Netherlands has attacked her for being a 'warrior'. They say, they prefer the 'softly, softly, approach of gently persuading Muslims of the benefits of the liberal democracy. At the moment there is another radical, assertive apostate who's meeting with similar treatment in his Left Labour Party. It is NOT understood that Islam and the Left have root memes in common: anti reason, anti capitalism, anti individualism, pro collectivism, statism, tribalism, socialism and socially constructed identities. Until people get that, things aren't getting anywhere!
Thanks for your comments, dear.
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