Pragmatist Olympics in the Terror Hive
Kathy Shaidle has published a damning article on Front Page Magazine, "Beijing: Munich or Berlin" on the state of affairs in communist China, host to the supposedly edifying event of the modern Olympic Games.While isolating sports from the political context is one thing, and respecting the internal affairs of a sovereign nation another, the tacit acceptance of state terror and brutal oppression - let alone legitimizing it by appointing the perpetrator as an Olympic host - is far more serious. Experts assure us that the Chinese leaders interpret the selection of Beijing as the world's acknowledgement that it accepts the Communist Party (CCP) as the legitimate ruler of China.
It's what you get with the Pragmatist approach to evil ideologies. Pragmatism is one of the many offshoots of the Relativist branch of philosophy. Rejecting objective reality, it has dispensed with ethics, epistemology, as well as reason. Its other central tenet is that each and every idea, religion, or culture is equally valid from its own perspective (except the West's, which are uniquely evil - including this one?).
And so, Havana has become a respectable vacation destination for Europeans, while the press refer to the Castro brothers as misguided idealists - audacious rascals, on a par with the other murderous poster boy, Che.The last few days, as the world mourned the death of Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the focus of Soviet crimes was on Stalin's atrocities rather than the evil of communist ideology itself. The Nobel Prize winner himself is derogatory referred to as a Nationalist - a direct insult in the Postmodern tranzy frame of reference.
- Caption: black satire by The People's Cube -
Ideas are untouchable, persons are fair game.
Denunciations of China's human rights record - while welcome - are directed at the symptoms (coercing individuals to comply to the will of the collective) instead of the evil system itself (communism).
In this 'morally neutral' atmosphere where the passing of judgment on any one's culture is anathema while pronouncing damnation on your own is mandatory, communist China enjoying the Olympic honours should come as no surprise. Such is the cynical state of the world.
The Epoch Times has published a series of nine columns, called the Nine Commentaries on the Chinese Communist Party, which represent the most detailed account yet of communist misrule in China, and what the consequences have been for the Chinese people and lovers of liberty throughout the world.
Skip the Bird's Nest opening ceremony on Friday and instead take note of the gruesome history on which the Chinese ideal of Rousseau's Agrarianism is built, a legacy legitimized by Western Postmodern Pragmatism.
Here's a excerpt from Kathy Shaidle's "Beijing: Munich or Berlin" from Front Page Magazine:"Given the known facts about life in totalitarian Communist China, the choice of Beijing for the 2008 Games makes a mockery of the Olympic Charter, which claims to promote “a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity” and “respect for universal fundamental ethical principles.” This was immediately disproved when the Chinese, blatantly and arrogantly, celebrated their selection as host country with a fireworks display in Tiananmen Square, where thousands of young pro-democracy demonstrators were slaughtered in 1989. Dancers also performed below towering portraits of Mao Tse-tung, who murdered approximately 70 million Chinese in Communism’s name.
- Caption: Beijing 2008 Olympics bill board "One World, One Dream" - which one? -
“If we had known what was already taking place in Germany's camps in 1936 (...) the Olympics would not have taken place in Berlin.
”Ironically, given the number of pro-Tibet protests that marred this year’s Olympic torch relay, the IOC is now considering ending the 72-year-old tradition. But rather than extinguish this appealing custom, the IOC, and the rest of the world, should reevaluate, or at least stick to, its criteria for selecting host countries and be willing to learn from history.
Great piece, this really is maddening. Maybe in 2012 it will be in Saudi Arabia.
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
host large sporting events
communists must always seek
planetary approval
absurd thought -
God of the Universe loves
corrupt governments
denying outside help
with tragic avalanche
absurd thought -
God of the Universe loves
capitalism's faults
but prefers communism
with its many miseries
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
never admit mistakes
cling to false ideologies
brainwash your countrymen
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
cause food shortages
implement price controls
destroy all family farms
All real freedom starts with freedom of speech. If there is no freedom of speech, then there can be no real freedom.
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Kathie's article reports it all. The mockery of olympic charter. But, what baffles me at this point is that, "Who can stop china??".
It is a question that i keep asking to the other side too. "Who can stop the US??".
The truth is so visible to the common man, thanks to the awareness and liberal spreading of information through technology. But, what is the reply of the politicians? If anybody acts against china, particularly in the west, it is sure that it is self destructory. All imports from china is part of the lifeline of the west. What would be your view on this, if i may request.
Who/what can stop china?...
Thanks for that,traveler.
The good promotes life and has the individual as its operative unit. Evil lives off life if it is allowed to. It is the notion that individuals may be coerced to comply with the lie, the 'will of the collective.'
Man has the duty to defend the good against evil. It is a never ending story. We can but soldier on ... The problem you mention is the vision of postmodern politicians who don't see good and evil, but only perspectives which are all equally valid from their own perspective. Their One World notion is put into action by means of interconnection, hence the trade with China, Cuba, Vietnam, etc. Try to read about transnational progressivism, as this is called. They believe it will become a global Utopia, but all such actions to date have all resulted in dystopia:
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