Sunday, October 22, 2006

Which pea wit of all?

Although I am not going to bring up the recent fuss about the Pope Benedict's deliberately misinterpreted sideline in his speech in Regensburg (enough has been said and written about that ludicrous allegation), doing the laundry this morning (what would we be without domestic chores?) I suddenly with nauseating reality remembered some comment by a Dutch pea wit by the name of Willeke Alberti (those who are blissfully unaware are advised not to bother finding out). This person, who has been pestering the public scene in Holland for the past 150 years (after her father did so since 1780 A.D.) refuses to go away. She saw fit to comment that "he" (being the Pope) "was a little dumb" ... (I am not going to stress, this is like Gary Glitter calling Bach prone to errors.) This fine example of Dutch pond-life didn't even have the originality to think of a quote herself, this one-liner hailing from some noteworthy comments by the country's First Daughter-in-Law, Maxima Media Magic ("hei waas in bitje tom").
I just didn't want this memorable contribution to the public discourse move into oblivion without mentioning it. Like that other recent comment by a Portuguese journalist on BBC World Television, that we owe human rights to the U.N. (that worthy talking shop for present black dictators and past diplomats whose national sell-by date has come and gone at the taxpayer's expense). Whatever happened to education I'll discuss in a future post ...
I intend in the near future to spend as little time as possible commenting on the situation in the fatherland. I do watch some TV programs via the Greek copper cable Internet connection of maximum speed of 225 kbt (or something or other technical term) and they are as nauseating as usual. News items are of the sort only countries can afford that aren't plagued by endless government formations, natural or other disasters, gross corruption, sharia law, endemic poverty or any other real problem: "Snowfall of as much as 10cm overnight has caused widespread disruption of the morning rush hour!!!!!" But we're close to new elections and I am at heart an incurable political animal. Even if it makes me at times feel sick in the stomach area, I am still being drawn to any sort of election (a bit like Christmas, actually). Even to the American one in November, that summit of shameless P.C. opportunism. I'll comment all right in the near future, help it or not ...

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