Wednesday, December 20, 2006

I'm on a roller-coaster and apologize to the Armed Forces

I know I promised interesting stuff from the Town Hall and I also owe an instalment of life at the base after crisis point, but first things first.

- A public apologies on my part: yesterday in a misplaced attempt at being funny, I unawares insulted the blokes of the NATO Task Force in Uruzgan with my remark about them rabbit-holing over there, which is a bit demeaning for them when in actual fact they get shot at on an almost daily basis! Nobody knows that better than I do, what with them having all the muscles and the big guns on their side! As proof in point I've been forwarded a link with video material: here it is. A word of caution though: as things do tend to get a bit rough you are advised to watch it either from under a table, or at least don a protective saucepan over the head (hope that's not too flippant). Merry Christmas, laddies and keep it clean! I'm sincerely proud of you!
To which I'd like to add and stress at 23.50 L.T., having just seen a video of last night's Nova TV program, that my arrows are firmly pointed at those Dutch M.P.s who're having trouble fighting terrorists, indeed are shocked that our boys are actually fighting in Afghanistan, while they were sent (indeed marines!) to do reconstruction work. It's the hypocracy there I'm having trouble with. Socialist Party M.P. Van Bommel yesterday issued a press release calling the war on terrorism in Afganistan "a dirty war", no less! I rest my case ...

- The Middle East Forum published an article by Rachel Silverman in respect of a speech by Robert Satloff held in Philadelphia on Monday, about his new book Among the Righteous, which took him four years of study. He sees it as "a potential antidote to the trend of Holocaust denial and trivialization in the Muslim world". His search for an Arab Oskar Schindler resulted in two heroes. A former mayor of Tunis, who sheltered sixty Jewish workers, and the rector of the Great Mosque in Paris who saved Jews by supplying them with false identity papers. These are wonderful stories of course, were it not for the reasons they remained hidden for so long: Arabs don't want them to be known and Jews tend to see the Holocaust in an Ashkenazi context.

- On a another note, Ayaan's is in trouble again. It was not enough to get her career as an M.P. ruined and her identity stripped. Now some envious gutter journalist is trying to nib her career at the American Enterprise Institute in the but as well by suggesting her work is not her own, but done by people in her circle of friends and sympathisers. Leon de Winter in no uncertain terms (which I personally feel do him no justice) describes the attempt with feeling. Although it is exemplary of how people, one size too big are treated in Holland and stories like that regretfully tend to stick, it is a bit silly as well. Has the entire Society for the Promotion of Ayaan been moved with her to the U.S. to hold her hand, or was Ayaan's latest article a joint online effort? According to Leon de Winter, besides appearing in the International Herald Tribune the article was also syndicated to the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Die Welt, Corriere della Sera, El Pais, Expressen, Aftenposten and Le Temps. Good for you, gal!

- On today's calender:
The extent to which citizens trust each
other is equal to their sense of happiness.

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