Thursday, August 30, 2007

SIOE: Belgian Court Upholds Ban

Yesterday the Belgian Council of State has ruled to uphold the mayoral ban on the Stop Islamization of Europe (SIOE) demonstration, to be held on 9/11.

Initially the Court postponed the ruling to decide if the appeal should be presented in Flemish or in French. Today, however, the Council of State has cut the case short and ruled outright to uphold the ban. According to the verdict Udo Ulfkotte of the SIOE organization hasn't proved his interests are harmed by the Thielemans ban.

Brussels Journal: "Belgian High Court Maintains Ban Against Anti-Islamist Demonstration" - This verdict may sound nonsensical to non-Belgians, but in Belgium it is not considered harmful to have one’s political freedoms restricted. In Belgium it is also considered quite normal that the lawyer representing Mayor Thielemans before the CoS is Marc Uyttendaele. The latter is one of the most expensive lawyers in the country. He is also the husband of Laurette Onkelinx, the Belgian minister of Justice, who is responsible for appointing, promoting and suspending judges. >>>

International Herald Tribune: "Brussels court upholds ban on anti-Islam protest planned for Sept. 11" (A.P.) - IHT allows a peep into the spin kitchen, how perceptions are got at in a way that can only be termed, demagogy: "In a secular democracy "it cannot be that women and men are ... suspected of having committed the worst crimes" simply because they are Muslims, said Thielemans" ... as if that is the focus of the protest! In one word: Dégoutant, Widerlich, Walgelijk, Disgusting!!! >>>

Gates of Vienna: "Belgium to SIOE: Drop Dead" - ... plenty of disgruntled Europeans are going to show up in Brussels on 9-11, despite Mayor Thielemans and the Council of State.The two big questions are: 1. How many will be there? 2. How will the Belgian authorities respond? >>>

SIOE HQ: "Business as usual" - Well! Mayor Thielemans believes he has the final say! Thousands of people believe otherwise. >>>

Reverting later on today with an update when I've mentally digested the fact, that the Europe I grew up in and was proud of, the cradle of Western civilization, has now evidently been taken over by barbary thanks to a silent majority and The Unholy Alliance.

Update: Robert Spencer weighs in on Dhimmi Watch: "Brussels court upholds ban ... " - "Of course, about the Islamization of Europe itself, Thielemans has nothing to say, because he doesn't recognize its implications, because he has swallowed the PC nonsense about Islam being a religion of peace with no particular ... >>>

1 comment:

Flanders Fields said...

Hi Cassandra.

Such fluent explanations that one would hardly think he is a totalitarian. We will be faced with leftists at every turn, so it may as well be on their turf.

Check out my Netherlands post and the author of the Dutch blog. She has only three posts in English, but I thought you would be interested in checking the Dutch site.